Integrity Wealth Management
Right Capital


Right Capital is what I call your “Home Base”- it’s where all financially relevant information syncs together to ensure your overall plan is working in harmony. Right Capital helps us figure out how long your money will last, identify planning opportunities, and evaluate different scenarios such as an early retirement or a vacation home in the future. This drives our cash flow conversations, tax guidance, Social Security planning and much more. It’s like taking all of the pieces of a puzzle and putting them together, so we have clarity of the bigger picture.

In addition, Right Capital is invaluable when it comes to estate planning, as the “planner” in the family won’t be able to handle the finances forever. For that inevitable moment which no one likes to talk about- when a spouse, children, or grandchildren inherit or take over the finances- you want to be sure you have your ducks in a row, as they say. Right Capital organizes everything within your financial world, all without the need for a bulky file cabinet!

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