Integrity Wealth Management
TIFIN Wealth


TIFIN Wealth combines the best of AI and cutting-edge technology with the personal touch of talented individuals working behind the scenes. Broken down into 3 components, first, TIFIN Wealth helps identify your risk profile, with 3 scores on a scale of 0-100. This includes your risk preference, your risk capacity, and finally the risk number of your current portfolio. 

The 2nd component of TIFIN Wealth is personality driven, allowing us to align your portfolio with your personal values and beliefs. Not only does this help us build a personalized portfolio unique to you, but it also tells us more about your communication preferences- monthly vs. quarterly, short sound bites vs. detailed summaries, and so on. 

And finally, the 3rd component of TIFIN Wealth is their portfolio optimization and rules-based investment management. In short, this allows us to build a diversified portfolio built for various market conditions, then manage that portfolio with targeted rebalancing, maintaining desired cash holdings, and adjusting your pie chart as your risk and/or personality changes throughout retirement.

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